Time Flys

It’s amazing how quickly time goes by.  It seems the older I get, the quicker things go.  Each year seems to go by faster than the last and each day/week is the same way.  I can’t believe it’s been 10 days since my last post on here.  I have a ton of posts started and I need to set them up to post, but time just got away from me.  Before I jumped into those though, I just wanted to pop in with something a little more relevant and updated.

Tomorrow we are running the Get to the Green run (5k/10k) in Five Points.  This was the very first 5k I ever did.  I had high hopes for this to be my sub 30min 5k.  That is not going to happen though.  Training has been tough with everything else going on in life and I’ve been fighting a nagging injury in my left arch that kept me down a bit.  I’m hoping I’ve figured it out though.  I removed my inserts and put back in the factory inserts this week.  *Knock on wood*..my foot didn’t hurt after my last run.  Keeping my fingers crossed though.  That said, I’m planning to take Yota.  Maybe he’ll pull me fast enough to get a decent time.  Andy is doing the 10k (actually kind of jealous he is doing the longer distance).  This year both races get a finishers medal which is new and I’m really excited about adding some more hardware to our bib/medal holder.

My sister Taylor, myself, and Andy at last years Get to the Green race

My sister Taylor, myself, and Andy at last years Get to the Green race

On another running related note: Today, we signed up for our first half marathon and entered a lottery for our first full marathon.  We signed up for the Palmetto Half (which is in exactly one month..crazy I know, but I think I can make it work) and entered the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon.  I’m way geeked out about both events and am super pumped to train and accomplish them.

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Also, I’m doing a #30daysofYota photo a day project on my instagram.  If you don’t already follow me, head over and follow me: https://instagram.com/blonde_designer/

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There is so much more I want to share, but I have to get some other posts out first before sharing those details..and NO I am NOT pregnant (I know there are those of you thinking that).  Until next time!

My New Trainer

Last year was not a great running year for me. We did several triathlons, but running didn’t really get the focus it needed. That said, I have a strong goal of running my first half marathon and my first full marathon this year. My only issue, is that running hurts now. I messed up my foot somehow in January and it hurts pretty good after I run (during my run) and even if I just walk too long on it. This makes running difficult. However, I don’t want to lose my ability to stay in shape. So..I turned some of my focus towards a different sport. Cycling. With the weather still being in the freezing category and me not really having the right apparel to be riding in these conditions, I bought a trainer.


It seems really sturdy and strong.  I’ve only ridden on it a few times, but so far I am pleased.  I love seeing it all set up.  It’s like it’s just sitting there waiting for me and that kind of motivates me as well.

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I’ve been searching on youtube for videos to watch while I’m riding.  I’m still at that point where I need the motivation (and push) of a trainer video to increase my resistance and push harder.  While I don’t have a cadence sensor (yet), I’m just riding based on time at this point.  I’m totally lost on what I should be doing though and we all know how google can be.  It tells you so much information that you can’t get anywhere.  I’m still excited though and can’t wait to get back on it.

yes..I'm braving the naked face on the internet...

yes..I’m braving the naked face on the internet…

So tell me, do you guys ride on the trainer during cold/wet days?  Any tips on a great trainer ride?  What’s your trainer motivation?

Let’s Talk about the Weather

No..like literally..let’s talk about the weather.  How bizarre has it been in February?  That groundhog called for more winter and man did mother nature deliver.

Now, I haven’t truly experienced the brunt of the snowpocolypse that has occured in the past 30 days because I live in South Carolina.  We’ve had cold and rainy, but no snow.  I’m sure those of you that live in the north are thinking of how fortunate I am, but as someone who is more of a summer than a winter…I don’t see fortune.  For us, if it snows decently, we pretty much shut down.  This means I can work from home, stay in my pj’s and drink coffee and hot chocolate while snuggling up with my hubby and the stinker (aka my adorable furbaby – Yota).

No snow, means going out in miserably cold and rainy conditions and no one ever wants to do that.  So…mother nature, if we are going to keep with this cold thing..can you toss some of the white stuff our way..and make it stick.  Otherwise..let’s warm it up a bit.

Speaking of warming it up though…next week we are supposed to get up to 78 degrees! Beautiful right..but it look at all that rain.  Can Spring just arrive already?


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While I know talking about the weather isn’t the most exciting topic..I’m kind of a nerd in that I OBSESS over the weather.  I check the daily/weekly/10 day and radar maps several times a day.   Maybe I’m hoping for a different outcome..although..that’s feeling a little close to the definition of insanity.  So..what about you.  Is there anyone out there that feels as passionately about the weather as I do?  Let me know in the comments below and we can obsess together.  


This is becoming a habit.  This routine of writing a blog about why I’ve been MIA and thinking I’m going to dive full force back into it and then disappearing for months on end…it’s becoming a habit.  A habit I fully intend to break.  I’m putting things in place to break it.  I’m adding blogging to my life planner and putting in lists of things I need/want to do to the blog.  I’m making a bigger effort.  I’m going to try and revitalize this dead blog.

Just to update you though, life has been weird.  It feels like it’s a constant thing of one event to the next.  There isn’t any sense of normalcy.  My fitness is hurting bad right now.  I have the mental motivation, but so many things keep getting in the way.  I’ve done something to my foot.  I run and then I can’t walk for days..so I wait until it doesn’t hurt anymore.  I bought a trainer so I can ride my bike even through this eternal winter we are in, and I put the bike on the trainer to find that my big front gear is bent.  It’s just one thing after another.  I can tell my body wants to move though.  I feel antsy all the time.

Last week I chaired our annual Regal event and I’ll post about that soon with pictures and everything.  It was fun, but I felt burnt out from it for days.

We bought a big toy.  That’s all I’m going to say on that.  I’ll provide more details later.

Yota is on a every 2-3 week visit to the vet for his ear issues.  We have been fighting them forever and I’m just ready to have it cleared up.  Hopefully soon…

I think this is where I’ll end today..that way I have more to talk about later ; )

Don’t Look too Closely…

…at the dates on this blog.  If you do, then you will see how SLACK I have been on updating.  As in, haven’t posted since 2012 slack…that’s awful.  However, if you have been following me since the last time I posted, you will notice that the blog has gotten a wardrobe change.  Nothing fancy, in fact, it’s the opposite of fancy.  It’s simple, easy, clean.  If you are reading this through a reader then click through for just a second to take a look.  I’ve also added a couple of new tabs to showcase (and hold myself accountable) my recently revitalized excitement for running.  I’m sure I’ll add more tabs for other things as time goes on.  Speaking of readers…in case you have fallen off the blog reading planet and are reading this through Google Reader (and haven’t gotten the annoying popup a million times already), it’s time to switch.  Google Reader is going away as of July 1st.  So if you haven’t jumped ship yet, you’re still on a sinking one..time to find a new reader.  I recently switched to Feedly and so far it’s not too bad.  The Iphone app is decent as well.  There are a bunch out there though..so look around before making a decision.

So to bring in some updates:

Part of the reason why I’ve been so slack with the blogging is because work has been very busy this year.  I’m managing two new home communities and they have kept me busy enough that when I get home at night..the last thing I want to do is think and blogging requires thinking.  However, I’ve finally found a better balance and have gotten back into this blogging thing.

In the past 6 months, we have had a lot going on.  Like I said, I’ve been very busy with work, but Andy has been as well.  He recently switched companies and while he is still selling with the same builder, he is selling in a better neighborhood.  By better I mean, more successful.  The new community he is in now offers more to the buyer and is a higher price point of home.  You can follow his blog and real estate tales over here.

We’ve also been in the process of trying to build a new house…it’s a slow going process, but we’re getting there.  I’ll post pictures once there is something other than dirt.  I’m really excited about the new house though and can’t wait to share all the decorating ideas, moving ideas, and of course all pics of the details.  In the meantime I will continue to pin like crazy for inspiration.

June has been an interesting month for me healthwise.  The switch finally clicked on for running.  Earlier this year it did that for drinking water.  I used to be an avid Coca Cola drinker and I didn’t realize how horrible it was making me feel until I started drinking more water.  Now, water is what I crave.  Sure I drink a coke here and there..but I usually can’t get through half of it before I can’t drink anymore.  Water is my daily drinker.  Hydrating so much throughout the days and weeks also makes me feel a little less guilty when I indulge in an alcoholic beverage.  Anyway, back to the running…we have run three 5k races so far this year.  Going into each one, I didn’t really have a set goal.  I just was going to go do it and see where I ended up.  If you check out the 2013 races tab, you will see that each of these 5ks got progressively slower.  Finally, at the end of the See Spot Run 5k in May, I realized that I wasn’t happy with my finishing time and how horrible of a run it was.  Starting at that point I made a running plan and am doing my best to stick to it.  I’ve had down runs and days where I was too sick to run, but I try to make up those miles in time.  I’ve set race goals for myself and am pushing harder every week.  I’m hoping to run my first 10k in September and my first 12k in October.  Andy is doing this well.  It’s great having someone to talk about runs with and someone who knows just how you feel when a run doesn’t go your way.  I’d like to do a full marathon some day.  That’s the end running goal..after that who knows what else I’ll do..let me get there first.  It will be a journey that’s for sure.  At this point I can’t even run a full 5k.  I’m hoping to be able to run my first 5k in August without walking.  That will feel like a major accomplishment for me and I can’t wait until I am at that race.

Wow..this post has gotten really long…guess I’m just ready to talk now.  So instead of boring you guys further today, I’ll stop for now and talk more later.  Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great weekend!